Study in Ireland

1. Why Study in Ireland?
If you want to embark on a journey and start your higher education in a foreign country that offers you rich city life and beautiful nature, then Ireland is the perfect place for you to study abroad. Ireland offers everything from some of the top universities in the world to beautiful scenery, rich history and access to the English language

  • Ireland is one of the few rare countries in the world that has managed to preserve its natural beauty despite its continuous progress and development. It is safe to say you will never feel bored while you study abroad in Ireland.
  • If you are unsure if an Irish university will have the program you are looking for, don’t worry. Universities in Ireland offer degree programs in every possible discipline you can think of.
  • There are plenty of opportunities to learn other languages as well. Studying abroad in a foreign country provides the perfect opportunity to advance your foreign language skills.
  • Many universities also provide internship opportunities to help students acquire practical experience in their field of study. There is also a variety of study abroad loans to help international students finance their education in Ireland.
  • Study abroad puts students in a situation where they learn about themselves and about the world. When you study abroad in Ireland, you put yourself in the middle of a new culture and new environment.
  • Students who study abroad tend to be more independent and have excellent time management skills as well. Ultimately, a study abroad experience is only likely to work in your favor when it comes to job applications.

2. Cost of studying & living in Ireland
The costs of living in Ireland are a bit higher than the average for the European area; you should expect to spend anywhere between 550 – 1,000 EUR/month.

Average costs of living in Irish cities (including accommodation costs):

  • Dublin: 1,100 – 1,800 EUR/month
  • Cork: 860 – 1,400 EUR/month
  • Galway and other smaller cities: 800 – 1,100 EUR/month

Accommodation costs for students in Ireland

Higher education institutions offer accommodation in student residence halls, which usually costs above the European average of 200 – 300 EUR. It is often difficult to find a place because the number of places is limited, and the demand is high.

Apart from residence halls, you can rent/share an apartment or choose to live with an Irish family.

The average accommodation prices for students in Ireland are:

  • Student living alone: 400 – 900 EUR/month
  • Student living with partner/colleagues: 450 – 550 EUR/month
  • Student living on campus: 300 – 650 EUR/month

Other costs associated with accommodation:

  • Utilities: around 30 – 50 EUR/month
  • Internet: up to 60 EUR/month

Food costs

Average monthly food costs are not high. You’ll spend around 250 – 350 EUR/month for grocery shopping. You can find cheaper food products in supermarkets such as Aldi, Lidl, Tesco, Dunnes or Superquinn.

You can also dine in a small restaurant and pay 15 EUR or enjoy a three-course meal for two in a mid-range restaurant for 55 EUR

Transportation costs

Students can benefit from discounts for transportation if they use the Student Leap Card or the Bus Éireann services to travel around the country. Around 27% of the students use public transport in Ireland, and a monthly pass with a special discount for students is around 50 – 55 EUR/month.

The most popular mode of transportation is the bicycle, chosen by 38% of the students. You can rent a bicycle to get around the city for around 20 EUR/day.

3. Visa Regulations
You can apply for a study visa if you are planning to come to Ireland to undertake a course of study for more than 3 months.

4. Feature university in Ireland

  • Trinity College Dublin
  • University College Dublin
  • Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (RCSI)
  • National University of Ireland, Galway

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