24-Year-Old Single Mom Graduated With a Harvard Law Degree Sets an Example
Could you believe that one-year-old has recently attended graduation and too at Harvard Law School? Yes, you’ve heard that right, little Evelyn dressed in a toga and an academic cap was there at the commencement exercises with her mom, Briana Williams. After all, she had attended some classes with her mom.
Briana Williams, a single mother went into labour during a Harvard Law School exam last April. Many thought that she wouldn’t be able to complete her graduation, prove them wrong she graduated this May and carried her daughter with her during the ceremony. For this big success, she gives the credit to the Harvard faculty and to her own mindset to not give up.
In a post on Instagram, Williams explained how she went into labour last April in the middle of an exam and finished the test “with tears in her eyes.”
She continued “To say that my last year of law school, with a newborn and as a single mom was a challenge would be an understatement.”
When she first announced her pregnancy, people have doubts on her ability to make it through school, but law school always had been a goal for her as long as she could remember and she wasn’t about to give that up. “I would struggle with feeling inadequate and insecure and I did consider alternative routes but I was able to get through it by having this mindset that didn’t allow for alternative options. If you don’t give yourself the option of failure then you’re not going to fail,” she told INSIDER.
Williams even shared that she would often leave her daughter in the Dean of student’s office or even just bring her along to a lecture. She concluded by saying that it wouldn’t be possible without the “amazing support” of the Harvard professors and staff.
Are you thinking about how to get into one of the most prestigious MBA programs at Harvard Business School? Here are some tips for help:
Start Planning Early
Thinking about business school as early as possible is a great decision. Harvard accepts application in three rounds, planning ahead will give you enough time to prepare.
Preparing for Your GMAT Exam
Preparing for your GMAT was the hardest part of the entire application process. Getting a good GMAT score is crucial for the selection in the HBS (MBA program).
A Decent Academic Record and GMAT Scores
You must have a decent academic record and GMAT scores to get into HBS. There are certain academic statistics on which the selection for the Harvard MBA program depends:
3.7 + GPA
750 + GMAT score
Degree from a top school
Unique Set of Experiences and Ambitions
The Harvard Business School craves for a unique set of experiences and ambitions, to get admission into a school, you must be a special student with great abilities. Knowing yourself is important and you should be ready to take risks and decisions in difficult times, enjoy lively discussions and debate, these qualities will make you a better fit for the program.
Your EduAdvisors are well-established education consultants in Delhi who have helped many students achieving their dream of getting into Harvard Business School. So, if you have the same dream, you can visit our website or call us on +91-9899764422 or +91-9810133341.